InfantSEE FAQs
InfantSEE, a program of Optometry Cares - The AOA Foundation, is a public health program to ensure that vision care is included in infants' wellness routines and to detect potential vision problems early. InfantSEE provides a one time, no-cost eye and vision assessment to infants between 6 to 12 months of age regardless of family income or access to insurance coverage.
Front Office
Do I need to schedule this appointment differently than other examinations?
Your O.D. should decide how he/she wishes to place infants into the schedule (such as how many slots, when and at what age). The program's age range is six-12 months of age. Once these assessment time slots have been determined, then schedule the infants in the available slots per office protocol.
When scheduling the appointment, is there any special information that we need to ask the parent about or to relay to the parents in preparation for the assessment?
Ask the parent about any special concerns or conditions and determine the infant's schedule to avoid nap time. You should also suggest that a bottle be brought for the child as well as a security toy or object for the infant. Assure parents that the baby will respond better when they are alert and have on a clean, dry diaper.
Do I need to send out paperwork in advance of the appointment?
There is an optional InfantSEE Confidential Infant History Form available at that your office is welcome to utilize. Otherwise, any registration forms your office typically sends in advance are sufficient.
How do I handle registration for the infant?
Registration for an InfantSEE assessment is no different than any other patient's registration.
Do we need to worry about the family's insurance or collecting any co-pays?
No. InfantSEE is a public health program and is no-cost to every infant regardless of family income or insurance availability. Billing available insurance is strictly prohibited for an InfantSEE assessment.
Are there extra forms we need to complete for the InfantSEE assessment?
InfantSEE providers are strongly encouraged to complete and return an InfantSEE Clinical Reporting Form for each infant they serve. InfantSEE Clinical Reporting Forms should be submitted electronically, mailed or faxed back to InfantSEE. Note: the information captured is HIPAA compliant.
Mail - Attn: InfantSEE, 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63143
Fax - 314.991.4101
This data is vital to the InfantSEE program. The number of forms InfantSEE receives back reports the number babies' lives that are impacted by the program which fuels InfantSEE's mission.
How do we handle recall for the infant?
Check with your optometrist as to when he/she wishes to have infants return for their next eye exam. The AOA's Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Eye and Vision Examinations recommends that infants be seen again at three years of age for asymptomatic/risk-free patients and as needed for at-risk patients.
How do we obtain additional InfantSEE awareness materials when our supply is depleted?
To review list of items available through the InfantSEE program and order online, go to
Exam Room

When preparing the exam room for the O.D., are there specific things I need to be aware of?
Consult with your O.D. as to specific tools or items he/she will use during the assessment. Tools that could possibly be used are: hand-held slit lamp, Bluminator, finger puppets, Richman Face Dot Paddles, Patti Pics, Patti Stripes, Teller Cards, or a Good-Lite.
Will the O.D. need any extra assistance for the infant assessment?
No more than normal examinations; however, consult with your O.D. on his/her preferences. The parent/guardian's role is to hold the infant and keep the infant calm.
Are there extra forms we need to complete for the InfantSEE assessment?
InfantSEE providers are strongly encouraged to complete and submit an InfantSEE Clinical Reporting Form for each infant they serve. InfantSEE Clinical Reporting Forms should be submitted electronically, mailed or faxed back to InfantSEE. Note: the information captured is HIPAA compliant.
Mail - Attn: InfantSEE, 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63143
Fax - 314.991.4101
This data is vital to the InfantSEE program. The number of forms InfantSEE receives back reports the number babies' lives that are impacted by the program which fuels InfantSEE's mission.
Are there any specific accommodations we should make for infants and their families?
It is best to have all initial paperwork completed prior to the infant's arrival in the office and to have them arrive as close to the scheduled appointment time as possible. Keeping wait times to a minimum will allow the infant to be more amiable and less fussy during the assessment.
Are there any follow-up measures that need to be completed once the infant has left our office?
Yes. Sending a findings-report to each patient's pediatrician or family physician should be a part of the post-assessment routine.
Are there any specific disinfecting/cleaning techniques involved after the infant has left?
Check OSHA and equipment guidelines for the proper cleaning and disinfection for equipment used in the assessment process. Pay special attention to any items that the infant touched or placed in his/her mouth during the assessment.